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Setting the Benchmark in South Florida by Delivering Uniquely tailored Solutions to Family Law and Divorce Matters

Child Custody Lawyer in South Florida


A divorce can be devastating to the couple who has decided to part ways, whether this is on good terms or not. It can be even more devastating when there is a child or children involved in the divorce. When this is the case, child custody becomes a huge issue with divorce, and is often the hardest part for a couple to navigate, which is why legal representation is needed in these cases. In Florida, child custody cases are all about finding a plan for the children that ensures they are developing normally and are not negatively affected by the parents divorcing or no longer co-habitating.


These types of child custody plans, often referred to as time-sharing of a child or children address several issues. These issues include:


• How holidays, weekends and the vacations will be split among the two parents
• Who will be providing health care coverage and claiming the child on income taxes at the end of the year
• Who will be responsible for getting the child to and from appointments, school, day care and the like
• Who will use their address for school registration and placement
• How will the parents contact one another


The parenting plan for any child custody case is vital to the welfare of the child. As a situation changes, these parenting plans can be changed to accommodate those changes. These changes can be a change to income level, the child becoming older and involved in more activities, or even one parent moving further away. In any case, you will need to submit changes to the court and allow the court to determine if these changes are in the child’s best interests or not.


The Experience to Handle Unique Custody Situations


Every child and situation is different, which is why a child custody case cannot be classified as average. There are specific rules in place to help courts make decisions about children, such as when a child can testify as to which parent he or she would like to spend more time with, and so forth. In most cases, your judge is going to take into consideration the agreement of the parents. This agreement, when made with the help of your family lawyer is going to help speed your case along, so your child can start living their new life and get back to normal.


Where Children Come First


If you have a child and are facing a disagreement or divorce with the other parent and are located in South Florida, then call Alfred Marten. He handles cases involving child custody and understands how important the child is in these situations. He will work with you to help determine what child custody plan would work best for your child, help to navigate the agreement of this plan between parents, and help you prepare for your day in court. Our goal is to ease your child through this transition with the least amount of damage or worry.


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