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Setting the Benchmark in South Florida by Delivering Uniquely tailored Solutions to Family Law and Divorce Matters

Alimony and Spousal Support in Florida


The State of Florida is a No-Fault state when it comes to divorce. Though any couple can get a divorce for whatever reason, the State of Florida does still allow for alimony to be paid to a spouse. In most cases, the Judge requires the higher earning spouse to pay alimony to the lower earning spouse. Alimony is often paid during and for periods after the divorce is finalized to ensure the spouse is able to maintain the standard of living he or she is used to living.


There are five types of alimony a Florida court can award a spouse:


> Temporary: This is paid during the divorce proceedings and stops when the divorce is finalized.
> Bridge-the gap: Starts after the divorce is finalized with a maximum time of 2 years afterwards.
> Rehabilitative: This is given to help support the other spouse earning an education or training for employment. This must be outlined in a plan along with the amounts needed.
> Durational: Can only last for as long as the length of the marriage. For example, if you were married for 5 years, then the alimony could only last for a maximum of 5 years after the divorce is finalized.
> Permanent: This is alimony that must be paid to the other spouse for the rest of the paying spouse’s life, or until the receiving spouse remarries, or is in a financially supportive relationship with a romantic partner. When this is given, the court will state why other forms of alimony were not appropriate for the situation.


Proving the Necessity of Alimony Payments


Alimony is a very hotly debated subject among most couples, and this is where legal representation is a must. A lawyer can help explain why or why not such a certain amount should be paid or why one spouse should receive alimony. The lawyer can also help prove why alimony amounts should be reconsidered or when a certain type of alimony should or should not be paid.


There are cases in which both spouses agree on the alimony arrangement, or when both spouses agree that no alimony needs to be paid. Such an agreement is something that legal counsel can help to put into writing for you. In cases in which both parties agree, the courts do not decide the alimony aspect of the divorce.


Alfred Marten is a divorce and family lawyer who can help in negotiating alimony amounts and types. He handles South Florida alimony cases, and can help you. Whether you are seeking looking for alimony, or are the spouse with an expected alimony obligation, contact Marten-Law, P.A. today.

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